Thursday, February 23, 2012

If You're Not Already Using This .. You Should Be!

I hope everyone is having a great week! Today, I head to NJ for a long weekend. It will be four days full of work tasks, catching up my friends, QT with the family and a bridal sower for my sister-in-law-to-be! I'll be sure to catch you up on the happenings of the weekend next week, but I just HAD to share this with you before the week ran out!

Are you a face wash person? I never really was because I fell into the habit many years ago of NEVER washing my face before bed and it continues. Lucky for me, and for my darling husband, I have picked up the habit of washing my face in the shower. It works out well for everyone involved.

I've never been super picky about what I wash my face with, and I don't have super sensitive skin, so I usually just went with whatever B was using, or whatever I had leftover in my linen closet from years ago last year. But then my Mom gave me a bottle of this new face wash in my stocking at Christmas this year. It's by 'derma e', have you ever heard of them? I sure hadn't, but boy am I glad I found them!

This is the little bottle-o-heaven that my Mom bought for me. I wouldn't say I have 'problem' skin, but I do hate zits, so more power to this stuff! Derma e's products are made with natural ingredients, and this stuff goes on nicely, rinsing off cleanly and smells great, too! You can see their full line of facial cleansing products here. They also have about 4 thousand other products that I have yet to try! So, if you're in the market for a new face wash, are tired of your old stuff, or you just plain love to try new products, you should definitely check this out!

Stay tuned tomorrow for a sneak at our master bedroom renovation - I think it's my favorite room yet!!

DISCLAIMER: I was not compensated for this product review. These opinions are solely my own.


Sarah @ 90 Percent Blonde... said...

I usually wash my face in the shower too, it's so much easier! I'm not usually picky about my face wash but lately, they have been causing breakouts. I'll have to try this!

Have fun in Jersey, it's been beautiful (for February) up here!

Cait said...

im so picky about my face wash but im always up for driving new products :)

Unknown said...

Oooo, I have been looking for a new facewash. I'll look into this one!